YoYoJam’s president and owner, Dale Bell, has been in the plastic injection molding business for over thirty years and is a master tool & die maker. Dale owns and operates Advanced Air International, Inc. — a world-wide leader in the production of injection molded fans, blower wheels and related equipment. Advanced Air’s name is synonomous with high-technology and quality in the field. It’s customer base include quality, brand-name corporations such as Whirlpool, John Deere, and Honeywell/Envirocare.
Dale also happens to be an avid car collector and enthusiast. While attending a car show in July of 1999, a friend handed him a yoyo and said “this wobbles, I bet you could make one that’s balanced.” Always intrigued by a challenged, Dale went back to his tool room and did just that. His friend offered to give Dale his yoyo to use as a model, but Dale refused saying that he wanted to come up with his own design. To this day, Dale refuses any offer to receive another yoyo. All of his designs are completely original and are conceived by Dale with the input of world-class yoyo players.
The first YoYoJam prototypes were hand turned by Dale in his tool room at Advanced Air. Realizing that his all metal yoyos were much too heavy, Dale made a mold to match his hand tooled models. After several trials and errors in the molding room, Dale came up with the original SpinJammer.
At first, he just played with the yoyo himself and gave a few to friends — it was fun. But Dale wanted to know more about the “world of yo”. So, he went to his daughter, Valerie, and asked her to do an internet search for yoyos to see what she could find. (To this day Dale still doesn’t operate a computer!). Valerie searched the internet and found that the World YoYo Contest was being held in Hawaii — road trip!
Curious to see what real players would think of his creation, Dale inquired about a sponsorship. But his new yoyo needed a name. Among Dale’s many interests is music. He has even set up a small music studio in his factory where he can go for stress relief. At the time Dale and some of his friends, including singer/ songwriter R.B. Johnson, were “jamming” on a regular basis. They decided to write a song about yoyos which they aptly named, “YoYoJam”. Thus, the name of his new product.
Dale also asked the folks at HPK if they could direct him to anyone in Florida who played competitively. HPK sent him to David Brunner a.k.a “Bandit” and his yoyo club. David helped Dale find Payden Southerland and another local player to test the products and to represent the newly forming Team YoYoJam at the 1999 Worlds.
David also taught Dale about the different types of yoyos and suggested that he make a concave shaped yoyo — thus the birth of what was then called the Dragonfly. Due to a copyright conflict (which did not appear in initial copyright searches), the yoyo was later renamed the DragonJam.
The SpinJammer was met with lukewarm reception at the Worlds but Payden, using the Dragonfly/DragonJam, nailed his compulsories and was on stage for the freestyle finals. Even though he failed to finish in the top ten, it was a tremendous achievement for a brand new company.
But perhaps more important than the excellent reception the DragonJam recieved, was the people Dale met at the Worlds. Linda Sengpiel and Bill de Boisblanc were both judges and were both very intrested in Dale’s new products. Both spent quite a bit of time talking to Dale, and it wasn’t long after that Dale agreed to create a signature yoyo for Linda. Input from Linda, Bill, and other prominant players lead to the creation of the SpinFaKtor.
The rest, as they say, is history! The SpinFaKtor series has become the leading choice of World Champion Single A players. In fact, nine of the top fifteen players at the 2001 Worlds (including all top 6 players) used a SpinFaKtor series yoyo. In addition, Rick Wyatt’s Signature Series Mega SpinFaKtor holds the official AYYA World Record for the longest sleeping yoyo. And we aren’t done yet. YoYoJam continues to introduce revolutionary new designs on a regular basis. We plan to “Jam On” for a long time!